Saturday, February 11, 2006


«I'm in a celebration of something at the house of some relatives. There are quite a lot of people. From a room to another, people go and come; some chat, and others laugh. I get out of the living-room and from the end of the corridor I can see from a distance... an orgy. Enormous surprise. Shocked to see that, I go back to the living-room. The people seem to either know it and still go and come, or ignore it completely.
Time has passed, but it's impossible to know how long. My father and I are by the door of a car garage. He's telling me the materials and tools I have to pick up from the house of the celebration. I ask him where they are and he tells me, though I can't understand it very well. Inside the garage there's a large white van, it looks like a Vito; he opens the back door and takes some tools. It's actually so full than nothing else could be put inside. The van also fills the parking space completely: I wonder how he has been able to open the door to get out after parking, if it's put against the wall.
Se nos acerca un chico, o un hombre, que parece un tanto retrasado, ofreciéndonos cintas de casete. Le decimos que no nos interesa. Seguimos andando y vemos que las cintas no eran suyas, estaban por ahí; vemos que sigue intentando vender objetos que no le pertenecen a todo aquél con quien se encuentra.
Andando llego (o llegamos, no sé) a lo que parece el final de una cola. La cola va hacia lo alto de una colina, aunque más bien parece una duna, porque todo alrededor es desierto. La gente se cubre del sol porque hay una especie de autopista por encima que da sombra. Vale, a la cola. Un amigo está junto a mí en esa cola. Las típicas cincuentonas se nos cuelan, entre risas y cacareos (parecen espectadoras de Cruz y Raya). Señoooora, qué morro, pero nada, pasan de nosotros. No sabemos muy bien cuánta cola hay que hacer ni para qué. Puede ser que una vez lleguemos arriba no haya nada.
Ya estamos en el sitio, parece una especie de parque de atracciones. Van llegando pequeñas barcas de tres y cuatro plazas y la gente se sube y se deja caer por una pendiente que se introduce en una cueva. Llega una barca de cuatro plazas, se suben dos niños y es nuestro turno para subir, pero llega alguien corriendo y se sube de un salto. Nos mira con una risa burlona en la cara. Yo diría que es una chica, pero con aspecto y gestos muy masculinos. No sé. Esperamos la siguiente barca, que es de tres plazas y un niño sube con nosotros. Yo voy en el lado derecho. Impresionante la atracción, velocidad de vértigo, a punto de darte en la cabeza con el techo de la cueva, obstáculos que hacen pegar botes a la barca, puertas y salientes que pegan golpes laterales y se menea todo. Muy chula, pero se ve que es segura.Finalmente desemboca a un trayecto relajado, parece un río artificial. Delante hay una bifurcación, y como llevamos volantes podemos dirigirnos como queramos. La barca de delante toma hacia la izquierda y la de más adelante hacia la derecha. El niño que nos acompaña conoce a una de las chicas de la barca de delante y habla a gritos con ella. Una chica que va en la barca de más adelante se vuelve, y la reconocemos, es una amiga y nos saludamos.
El niño de repente se lanza al agua (que no está muy limpia precisamente) y desestabiliza la barca, haciendo que nos caigamos también nosotros. Yo voy lo más rápido que puedo al lateral, donde hay una repisa sobre la que descansa la valla exterior del parque, y saco cuanto antes la cámara de fotos que llevo (no sé cómo cabe ahí) en el bolsillo derecho. Está chorreando. La enciendo. Va regular, no se ve nada en la pantalla. Además está rara, no recuerdo que tuviera la pantalla en blanco y negro. Es muy raro. Va cogiendo un color que parece óxido, pero no puede ser porque es más bien dorado. Se acerca mi amigo y me pregunta si funciona, yo le digo que más o menos. Le doy la vuelta y me doy cuenta de que es una Nikon, debe ser la cámara de mi madre. Además, no lleva carrete. Je, entonces no hay problema, pienso que si realmente no funciona pues le compraré una nueva, y punto.
No sé sabe muy bien cómo, ya nos han sacado del agua y ahora estamos en una sala, recepción quizás. Vemos que a un a chica le están echando un rapapolvos mientras que su amiga la está disculpando, no lo va a hacer más, dice. La chica lleva unos agujeros en la nariz enormes, como si hubiera llevado toda la vida un piercing de aro que le ha deformado la nariz. Del bolsillo izquierdo saco yo una bolsa con comida y ofrezco a los que están alrededor mientras cojo asiento. Yo me como un cruasán de chocolate. Nuestra amiga está allí y también come algo, se levanta de la silla y ya no la veo.
No sé en qué momento ha empezado a sonar música, pachanguera para más detalle. Y toda la gente se pone a bailotear un poquito. Pues vale, qué ganas, pienso. Salgo por la puerta que parece dar a la calle, y en el patio exterior también hay mucha gente bailoteando, haciendo movimientos a lo Bisbal. Me fijo en ese instante en que todos van vestidos como si salieran de una discoteca pijísima. Vuelvo a entrar, y me veo a mi colega también meneándose, bastante bien, al ritmo del pachangueo. Esto sí que no puede ser».

Listening to: Ricky Martin - Qué Más Da

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


«I'm sitting. Better said, we are sitting. I don't know how many we are, maybe three people but I just pay attention on what the tangle-haired boy is saying. We are in some very lit premises, it seems to be a gun shop. In fact, we are inside an inner shop window, though it seems not to have a pane. It seems there's not any other costumer in the shop, either. The boy, whose face doesn't ring a bell, is saying how he picks his hair up. He takes a black leather belt with small silverplated studs, which is hanging. He places it on his forehead and tightens it around his head, in a Rambo style. Then, he starts to move his head like a heavy metal rocker, and to hum a guitar melody; at the same time he gesticulates with his arms (he looks like Otto from 'The Simpsons'). When at last he stops playing the fool, he takes a gunshot from the wall.Black, brilliant. A rather long barrel, I'd say almost a meter long. He also takes a magazine and inserts it from behind (not from the bottom like pistols). I think that way to load a gun is odd. Then he puts a hand under the barrel, slips the piece underbarrel and releases it; inmediately that rather loud and so typical CLACKS CLACKS sound can be heard. In this moment I wonder what noise will produce a bulletless gun?, tic tic?. Maybe he's thinking the same. His finger gets tenser and, next, pulls the trigger. BOUM. A defeaning noise followed by a great blaze at the end of the shop, and for an instant, the walls and floor tremble. My eyes are wide open, my body remains motionless, and I've losen my glasses. I hardly see how, from the bottom, who seems to be the owner, drags out a young man that can't stand on his feet. I think he may be a son of the owner or one of the shop assistants. He's got a huge wound in the middle of his chest, and bleeds quite a lot. The red colour mingles with the black one. The owner takes him tighly from behind, trying to stop the bleeding wound. We run away. As soon as I get out, I come back to pick up my glasses which are on the floor. I go out again. I realize where I am: a path next to the road that goes from the Infante shopping center to Los Dolores. I think there should be a car wash here».

Listening to: Planet Perfecto - Bullet In The Gun 2001

Monday, February 06, 2006

Redes para el tiempo libre
(Networks for your free time)

This year, the city council has organized again leisure activities for the youth. Let's see if, at last, we decide and put our names down right now, since later there won't be seats left. These are the activities I'm interested in, ¿who wants to enrol with me?:

Sat 18th Feb - Paintball in TOTANA-MURCIA PAINTBALLSPORT. Includes trip. PRICE 15 €
Fri 3rd Mar - Visit to the Astronomy Observatory of Murcia at 21:00 h. Transport supplied. FOR FREE.
Sat 4th Mar - Hiking+rappel+speleology in Benimareig (Alicante). PRICE 15 €
Sat 18th Mar - Karts at the circuit in La Matanza Road-Fortuna. PRECIO 15€
Sat 1st Apr - Scuba diving in the Mar Menor. PRICE 15€

Come on, I don't want to enrol just me alone!!!

Listening to: Saga - Tomorrow Belongs To Me (My Tribute To Skrewdriver III)

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I've stopped for a moment and I've started thinking of the "open fronts" I manage and I haven't still finished in this blog. On one hand, the course of fasile, which I thought would be given by means of pleasant weekly lessons; but I left it there, by the presentation post, although I actually have prepared four or five lessons in word format that I want to transform into flash in order to add the pronunciation (since leaving apart braille and signs language -which certainly are adaptations of other languages-, what is a language if it's not spoken?). I still have two or three books and cds to be commented and some movies I've seen and I want to review (either because I've seen them at the cinema, or because I like them a lot after seeing them at home); on another hand, I'd like to keep adding the rest of the movies when I see them, including a very little comment or evaluation. And, of course, there's the political issue... how you can imagine, I'm not very pleased with the current situation that doesn't go quiet in the last weeks... but, well, let's wait for the end and then we'll get involved :) On the other hand, I also have prepared a long post about a topic that will set tongues wagging.
If I haven't be able to carry on with all of this, it's been because lately I haven't real time enough to do it. Between finishing my practices, giving classes to my pupils, going to the language school and, damn it, going out from time to time (but coming back home soon), it's almost impossible to me to keep my blog updated. Mea culpa, for not well-organizing my things. To excuse myself, and as an apology, I want to transcribe a post I must have published on day 6th or 7th of this month. A sincere comment that I left unfinished and today I've completed.
This year, Chistmas time at home has been practically "non-denominational". And I'm very glad. No decoration, no Christmas tree, and of course no Christmas carols on the stereo. Even my mother, who is the only one that goes to celebrate mass at church, hasn't gone to church on the important dates: no Christmas Eve's Mass, no Christmas Day's Mass, no Epiphany's Mass. The only religious thing in sight at home are some littles figures of a Nativity scene that my brother made when he was 8 or 10, painted with changed colours, which gives them a funny touch and hardly "canonical". Everything else, all the typical traditions and several celebrations of this period have been pagan: the draw of the Chirstmas Lottery -miiiileuros (one thousand euros)- set as background music the morning of December 22nd, a copious dinner with my cousins on 24, another copious Spanish lunch on 31st, the Grapes of Luck on New Year's Eve with my other cousins, a copious lunch on January 5th for my brother's birthday, and the gifts -nothing special- and the Three Wisemen's "Roscón" for breakfast on 6th. Maybe some think this Quizá a algunos esta escasez de "Christmas signs" les pueda dar a entender que my family is sad or apathy reigns inside it. Nothing at all. In my house, we don't need to keep up appearances, we don't need a fake Christmas made of brillantina y matasuegras, we've got each others and we love each others too; that's what my family and I nos importa, y esa es la mayor alegría y la mayor celebración que se puede tener. And that's why I'm so glas over all, because we don't need false adornos to hide carencias, something that sadly, I've realized, happens in so many -so called- homes. From deep in my heart I wish you'll get lucky for feeling, as minimum, the quarter of the happiness I feel by having this family that I love so much, though I usually don't demonstrate it very much. ¡Lots of kisses!
January 7th 2006
Listening to: Sagi-Rei - Free

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mobile photos

I hardly use my mobile's photocamera, but lately I've taken some odd funny pics:

This was on New Year's Eve, when getting out of La Clave bar, sitting on a car hood, snuggled up together to bear the night cold.
This distorted photo did call my attention. If you look carefully, the girl is bending her leg and taking her foot till her head's height and she doesn't split herself in two!

This one was took more or less a week ago, coming back home, at a near building site. Maybe you can't read it right, so I'll transcribe it (it's in Spanish with Murcian accent): "NO APARCA DEL 2-01 AL 6. GRACIA OBRAS" (in English it would be something like: DON'T PAAK FROM 01-2 TO 6. THANK. WORKS.
I took this photo when I was parking my car at Eroski's, I put the handbrake up, I raised my eyes and PLUM I saw this huge piece of advertisement on my face... I almost dotted with it, but I fortunately resisted the advertising temptation :)

And finally this one which has happened this afternoon in Alhama: a guy of about my age has crashed his brand new Renault Megane into a house facade hahaha. How fast was he driving to make the airbag blow up and so on? Though it's hard to see in the image, he's made a rather big hole into the wall and has bended some protecting iron bars of the window. The funniest thing is that, just as I've been told, he was driving to his aunt's to say his cousin had had a car crash!!!

Listening to: Ace Of Base - Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry

Thursday, January 05, 2006


King Kong

Carl Denham, in a desperate attempt to recover his lost glory as a film director, leads a filming team to board towards a lost island where several risks are lying in wait.
As a whole, we're talking about an entertaining movie. Of course, by equal parts inserting romantic drama and wild adventure. The weak spot: a duration of three hours which could have been only two if the innecessary sequences had been removed, as the stampede and some similar ones that are just dumbed hollywood style and a real bore. I like the scenes with insects and bugs although are very disgusting :D This won't become the best adventure film in history but it's acceptable.

The best thing: there are people who get touched by this movie till the point of get crying.
The worst thing: it's such a lot like Jurassic Park, and not only because of the dinosaurs (visually they leave a lot to be desired in comparison with the giant gorilla).

Listening to: Central presents Evolution (CD1)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"Hello world!"

As I study Computer Engineering, I think I couldn't choose any other sentence for introducing myself and my blog. Actually, I'm not new inside the blogworld, but this is just an atempt to make an English version of my original Spanish weblog, which is called En la mezcla.

'New year, new life', this is a very famous Spanish saying that people say when the year starts. Well, from today, I've got my own one: 'new year, new blog' :D


Listening to: Europe - Carrie